High Scores

= *Yep, that is you!

Rank #Score
#1 335
#2 290
#3 282
#4 235
#5 221
#6 199
#7 193
#8 188
#9 184
#10 184
#11 183
#12 181
#13 179
#14 179
#15 171
#16 167
#17 166
#18 164
#19 162
#20 161
#21 159
#22 157
#23 151
#24 147
#25 125
#26 117
#27 113
#28 110
#29 90
#30 71
#31 51
#32 24

* Your IP address may be assigned to a different IP address any time.

Stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership before it stops you!  Your word to your legislator is very important!